The White Vacuum of Support

Originally published August 16, 2017 for personal blog.

We are now living in the aftermath of a neo-Nazi killing a woman on American soil in 2017. Like many, I thought this was the war of my grandfathers. My grandfather, the late James Harmon Sutton, earned a Purple Heart fighting this war. It was supposed to be over. Yet here we are, with the crimes of the Third Reich being recreated in Charlottesville, Virginia with the promise to continue across our nation.

We need a call-to-arms for people who look like me. It is time for white America to remove the blinders and understand that the burden of current events does not lie solely on the shoulders of the black and brown communities.

In times of racial strife, we often look to our leaders of color. We tell our friends that we fight with them, however if we are being honest, we listen to their words, nod our heads, and are comforted that we need not have to fight the war with them. White America, the time come for us to stop waiting for a modern MLK, but become the future RFK.

At this time of national crisis, where is the white leadership? While we stand on the sidelines tweeting our anger, our black and brown brothers and sisters are putting themselves on the frontlines of this escalating war. We should not only be standing beside them, but we should be willing to the slings and arrows.

It is because we’ve looked away for far too long that we are here. We have allowed blatant and institutional racism to breed in the dark corners of our nation. We’ve stood nearly mute as we’ve witnessed countless black men and women lie slain in the streets in the name of so-called self defence. We allowed a narcissistic, white supremacist sympathizer to take office.

In writing this, I know a number of my white brothers and sister have taken to the streets in solidarity with groups like Black Lives Matter and I you have my unyielding gratitude. You have looked evil in the eyes and said “not in my country.” You have spilled your blood and witnessed the murder of a woman by American terrorism. Heather Heyer. Say her name.

This is not directed towards you. This is a message to those who think there’s nothing more they can do. The ones who uses their privilege to ignore the atrocities occurring before them. But most importantly, to our white political leaders. Where are you?

Why do white politicians always defer to their black and Latino members to elevate the nation through these times? Former President Barack Obama delivered multiple speeches about race and we all stood and clapped. Claire McCaskill, where were yours? Dick Durbin? Mr. Schumer – Ms. Pelosi? Giving a two minute interview to friendly stations no longer is enough. You must quit preaching to the choir and become a profile in courage who is willing to have the tough conversations. Stop worrying about reelection, what good is it if we’re fighting a second Civil War. A tweet is no longer enough; it never was. It’s time to step up and lead. Quit hiding behind your colleagues of color; fight alongside of them. Fight for them.

It’s time to bring back the rallies. It’s time to bring back the fireside chats. It’s time to stand up and say “Not on my watch!” Hate thrives on our silence. It feeds on our fear. Do not give it the space to grow.

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